繁华声 遁入空门 折煞了世人
梦偏冷 辗转一生 情债又几本
如你默认 生死枯等
枯等一圈 又一圈的 年轮

浮图塔 断了几层 断了谁的魂
痛直奔 一盏残灯 倾塌的山门
容我再等 历史转身
等酒香醇 等你弹 一曲古筝

雨纷纷 旧故里草木深
我听闻 你始终一个人
斑驳的城门 盘踞着老树根
石板上回荡的是 再等

雨纷纷 旧故里草木深
我听闻 你仍守着孤城
城郊牧笛声 落在那座野村
缘份落地生根是 我们

听青春 迎来笑声 羡煞许多人
那史册 温柔不肯 下笔都太很
烟花易冷 人事易分
而你在问 我是否还 认真

千年后 累世情深 还有谁在等
而青史 岂能不真 魏书洛阳城
如你在跟 前世过门
跟着红尘 跟随我 浪迹一生

lll   梦境 Y

Liu Chang

Born in 1990

Looking forward to life in Boston University

A proud member of the Nanyang Girls' High and Hwa Chong Instituition allumni

lll   梦魇 Y

Lead a happy life

Achieve good results


lll   梦惜 Y

lll   梦回 Y

Besties   09S67   Artemis   4-eleven   kaini   shenyang   jieyi   liying   xinyan   wenhao   yufan  


2008.02 2008.03 2008.04 2008.05 2011.05 2011.06


Picture 1
Picture 2
Splatter Brushes
Lyrics of the song "烟花易冷" by 周杰伦



went for visa application today. it has been a thousand years since i last woke up at 6am, and leave my house at 6.45 with my father... (ok prob not so long a time), but i was very glad that the interview can end with just two questions, and ultra fast speed =D

reached at US embassy at around 7am as there was not many cars on the road (most prob due to sch holiday), so i sat down after a few ppl in the queue, waiting for the time to be up for the guard to call. When it was around 7.45, i went into the security place and handed in my handphone, then i proceed into the building to take a queue number (was 704 if i am not wrong) and sat waiting.

Not long after i was called in, first thing i do was to gave all my documents to the stuff, then i went back to sit and wait. The second time they called, i scan my figure, left hand followed by right hand then both thumbs. After this i sat back and waited again. this time for quite a long time, even some of the number after me was called up for interview before me. i guess maybe it is because i am applying for student visa? i am unsure about this. At last an officer called me, and i went up, actually preparing to hear a lot of questions, when in actual fact i only got 2 question, one is did i study in singapore and where? second is who is sponsoring my education? and that's it?!

was pretty shocked that i am allowed to finish with just two simple question. I heard (not on purpose but i was hard not to hear what other's interview was about) some people got rejected for their visa, which was pretty sad as it might take quite some time to get a second visa.

now i do not have to worry anymore, just have to sit back and relax and wait for my visa to be completed.



I went for a movie today - dylan dog dead of night, was actually quite looking forward to it as i heard of it for quite some time before it actually opened. However things did not go as i expected. This movie was pretty confusing, as in its plot is not clear and it leaves you feeling that you understand nothing from what it is trying to talk about.

It is not like i do not like this kind of movie where there were myths and puzzles to be pieced up, inception is one movie that quite brings your mental activities going, but dylan dog is different. The plot line goes in such a way that i actually don't quite get how each part is pieced up together. Well, in the end i can only say i feel like this plot line did not say anything at all... so i could only enjoy the special effects and the weird dark creatures (or monsters if you want to call it) that appears in the movie. I must say, even the monsters were not very attractive, because first they are ugly. (Ok i am one that must see somethings with nice appearance) Secondly the effects does not look too good (kind of feel like a cheap production). In addition... which is weird, is that the whole movie theatre only has 5 person... a 1pm movie in the mist of start of school holiday and it has just opened, and only 5 people is watching it. What else do i have to say, maybe not many is looking forward to it as i did.

But overall, it is a movie that you could watch if you feel like watching a movie and don't know which to choose. Not so worth to watch but still fine. Probably around 3 star kind of movie? I kind of feel the rating is about there...

Attach a trailer.
